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King Gyanendra's Decision Regarding Nation and his birthday celebration

King Gyanendra's  Speech Representing Nepalese Citizens

Nepali sisters and brothers, Nepal is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-geographical country. Reconciliation, coordination, unity and social harmony are our traditional beliefs. Therefore, the hybrid malice of ethnicity, caste and regionalism that is flourishing in the country now does not improve the nationality and historical national identity.

Now Nepal is also plagued by the global Corona epidemic. With respect and sympathy to all those who have lost their lives and suffered from this unimaginable disease, I wish the health benefits of all those infected. I also urge that the various problems faced by the Nepali people during this time of infectious diseases, including food, shelter and cotton, be resolved. Also, I would like to express my deep concern over the growing mental anguish, social distortion and economic worries during this period.

Due to various compulsions, some Nepalis living abroad are on their way back home. This time context that came after the challenge is both an impact and an opportunity. Understanding the changing world order, we now need to return to our own nature, customs, culture and system. This re-establishes our self-esteem and self-reliance. Until a few decades ago, the country had to stand on its own two feet again, standing on its own pride, fundamental values ​​and economic potential.

-Why do our patriotism, independent status and self-esteem have equal questions, doubts and disputes?
-Why is there confusion, dissatisfaction and anger over public safety, health and livelihood?
-Why is there always controversy over the epidemic of disease, crisis of nationality, border issue, treaty agreement against national interest and burning and tragic issues like murder, violence and suicide?
-Why do corruption, negligence, partiality and discrimination keep coming up day by day?

Why do our #promising youths, all patriotic and independent citizens have to take to the streets in such a situation?

All these questions and questions are being raised. In this day and age, it is not in anyone's interest to impose mutual accusations or to have a sense of prohibition and vengeance. The question of when, by whom and from whom the idea of ​​unification of the Nepali nation, protection of Nepal's independence and all-round development took place has become a matter of common concern. We should be able to accept such a glorious history.

Nationality is our motto and unity is our strength. It is our national duty and religion to learn from the past while preserving this historical heritage. In view of this dire situation of the nation, I have decided not to celebrate my birthday this June. At the same time, I call upon all the Nepali brothers and sisters who have a beautiful dream of the country to move forward with patience, determination and courage, keeping in mind my feelings and respect.

May Mr. Pashupatinath bless us all. Jai Nepal.

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