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Discipline and its importance


Wherever we live and whenever we go to a new place, we have to follow certain rules and regulations according to those places. The act of behaving people or doing actions according to those rules and regulations is discipline. It is the sign of civilization.
Discipline is learnt from childhood. A child's home is the first school of discipline. It is home from where we can learn different good manners if the family members are disciplined. If the members of a family are indisciplined, their children are likely to be indisciplined too.

We have to obey rules and regulations in every step of our life. Whether we are at home or at school or in the battle field or in the playground, we have to follow some rules and regulations. If we don't obey the rules, we are said to be indisciplined and if we obey the rules, we are said to be disciplined and civilized. Discipline is necessary in every field of life. People from all walks and of all levels must be disciplined to spend a happy and prosperous life.

Without discipline, a student can learn nothing. It is essential to run any institutions smoothly and successfully. It is more important in the playground. If a player  breaches discipline, the team of the player may loose the game. Likewise, it is inevitable in the army if the soldiers don't obey their commanders. They may loose a battle. It is equally important at home, too. If the family members don't obey the head of family, the house can't run properly. If the leaders of the nation don't follow the rules, the disciples will be indiscipline. Consequently, the nation can't make any progress.

In conclusion, discipline is necessary in every walk of life while walking, talking, eating, driving and so on. It is the root of success. It is like a twinkling star that gives warm and bright rays in our life.

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