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United Nations General Knowledge (UNO GK)
History Of United Nations
United Nations As the carnage of World War II was still on, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and American President Franklin D\ Roosevelt were planning for an organization that could prevent another world war and promote international understanding and cooperation. On August 14, 1941, they signed the Atlantic Chime; on a warship, off the coast of Newfoundland in the Atlantic Ocean. After series of meetings, on June 26, 1945, representatives of 50 nations met finally in San Francisco to sign the Charter of the United Nations Organization. The Charter came to be effective from October 24, 1945 marking the formal establishment of the organization. The UN headquarters are located in New York.   The United Nations is an international organization of six principal organs. The General Assembly is made up of all member states (193 as of early 2016 AD) that have equal voice and one vote each. It controls the finance and all UN activities. The Security Council with 5 permanent members -USA, UK, China, France and Russia and 10 elected for a term of 2 years, is the most important organ from the functional point of view. It works for the implementation of the Charter dealing with any crisis in the world involving fighting, threats, or instability. Any of the permanent members can prevent decisions from taking by using their ‘veto’  the privilege which the temporary members are denied. 

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) consists of representatives of 54 nations, one-third elected every year. It coordinates with the UN specialized agencies working in various fields such as social .development, human rights, women empowerment, population and environment. With USA, Russia. UK, France and China as its members, Trusteeship Council was entrusted with the supervision of the post-World War II territories under the international trusteeship system. As all the states 11nd"r As the carnage of World War II was still on, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and American President Franklin D\ Roosevelt were planning for an organization that could prevent another world war and promote international understanding and cooperation. On August 14, 1941, they signed the Atlantic Chime; on a warship, off the coast of Newfoundland in the Atlantic Ocean. After series of meetings, on June 26, 1945, representatives of 50 nations met finally in San Francisco to sign the Charter of the United Nations Organization. The Charter came to be effective from October 24, 1945 marking the formal establishment of the organization. The UN headquarters are located in New York.

   The United Nations is an international organization of six principal organs. The General Assembly is made up of all member states (193 as of early 2016 AD) that have equal voice and one vote each. It controls the finance and all UN activities. The Security Council with 5 permanent members -USA, UK, China, France and Russia and 10 elected for a term of 2 years, is the most important organ from the functional point of view. It works for the implementation of the Charter dealing with any crisis in the world involving fighting, threats, or instability. Any of the permanent members can prevent decisions from taking by using their ‘veto’ the privilege which the temporary members are denied.

  The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) consists of representatives of 54 nations, one-third elected every year. United Nations coordinates with the UN specialized agencies working in various fields such as social .development, human rights, women empowerment, population and environment. With USA, Russia. UK, France and China as its members, Trusteeship Council was entrusted with the supervision of the post-World War II territories under the international trusteeship system. As all the states 11nd"r   II   (P   6'9 system had either merged with others or attained independence, (1“ Council ceased to exist in 1994. 

With 15 judges elected for 9 years, the International Court of justice can settle international disputes and try anyone accused of serious crimes against humanity such as genocide. The Secretariat headed by the Secretary General appointed by the General Assembly for 5 years is the chief administrative body. Its functions include daily administration, communication to UN members, organization of meetings and conferences, keeping or records and   publication of reports on important world issues. There are over sixty thousand UN staffs worldwide.   The United Nations is the largest international organization of the world. The organization is so important because it establishes communications between governments and promotes cooperation needed to tackle world problems such as diseases, violence, poverty and natural disasters. Many UN agencies and programmes are run in various areas to support the poorer countries and weaker people. Through their efforts many epidemics have been controlled and vulnerable groups of people such as women, children, and refugees have been protected and supported. UNO encourages and assists the constitutional reformations and good governance round the globe. UN peacekeeping forces set up in 1978 are mobilized in the countries in conflict in order to help establish permanent peace. Conflicts as in Nepal, East Timor, Africa and the Middle East have already been resolved by peaceful means of the United Nations. The United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) assisted the overall peace process of the country such as concluding the Comprehensive Peace Accord, management of Maoist armies and   weapons and the drafting of a new constitution through an elected constituent assembly.

United Nations General Knowledge (UNO GK)

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