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Village Life in Nepal – Being Happier with Less

Village Life
Living in village is, to a large extent, remaining closer to the nature. It has many advantages. People are more directly supported by the nature. Physical labour keeps body fit and no extra physical labour is needed. Greenery is all around. Birds sing in the forest. Food is locally produced and is free »from adulteration. Villages are free from the adverse effects of industrialization and urbanization. Pollution is very negligible.

Air and water are clean and safe. Untainted streams and brooks run here and there. All this helps 'to make health better and life expectancy longer. There is also better harmony between population and nature.   People in villages are hardworking and more self-reliant. Many cultivate their land and keep animals. Most needs are fulfilled locally from the exploitation of land; forest, river, etc. Demands are fewer and are easily fulfilled. Life and property are secure. People are generous so even homeless and poor can feed themselves. Life is economical. There are fewer -chances of   extravagance.

  In village human relations are closer and harmonious. Everybody knows each other. There is greater sympathy and tolerance, They are open-minded and open - hearted and like to share their happiness and sorrows. There is unity and cooperation. People may be ignorant and superstitious but they are simple and honest. They are pious and are very hospitable to their guests. They solve most problems locally through negotiation and co-operation. Violence and insecurity are not serious. Life is peaceful and stable.  

But living in the village does have some disadvantages. Since modern facilities have not reached there, life in the village is not as . comfortable as in the city. There are very few opportunities of   entertainment available. It is difficult to move and carry goons. opportunities of health and education are quite inadequate. When there is serious illness or accident, the victims have to be taken to distant towns. It is very difficult and costly because there are not good transport facilities. Some patients die on their way to hospital.

   Because there are not many offices, industries. markets, etc. in villages, employment opportunities are scanty there. Many people are poor. Local products perish due to lack of markets. Awareness level is low. There are widespread superstitions and evils which give rise to perversions and hostilities. Birth rates are high and family size is large. Houses are not  comfortable. Roads if any are not properly maintained. They are often muddy or dusty. Personality development may be hindered due to the lack of education, information and other opportunities. So many villagers move to cities for better life.

  Despite these few disadvantages, village life has advantages over city life. Everything has compensation. Village life is all natural and easy-going. It is peaceful and contented, too. It is good especially for those who are not selfish and materialistic. Serene environment, wholeheartedness and cooperation among people, peace and stability are some factors that make village life more preferable. 

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